Foraging ethics 

We support sustainable foraging practices.

  1. Leave the little immature mushrooms behind when you're picking a patch. This ensures the patch will continue to grow and spread.  

  2. Carrying your Mushrooms in a basket or bag that is porous. This allows for the spores from the mushrooms to spread across the forest floor as you walk. 

  3. Be conservative with your harvest. Only take what you plan to use. 

  4. If you are unsure of an identification take lots of pictures. Including but not limited to up close of the fruit body, making sure to capture the top and bottom and steam. Also what it's growing by or on.  

Wild Hericium

Wild Reishi

(Ganoderma Oregonense)

Wild Morels


Wild Turkey Tail

(Trametes versicolor)


If we were meant to stand still we would have been born with roots instead of feet - Racheal Wolchin


Our grow