Living Tea Natural Fertilizer


One tea bag can make up to 5 gallons of natural fertilizer.

When you use RE-GENS 's Living Tea you are helping restore and revitalize your soil and feeding your plants the way nature intended. You can use it in your garden or on your shrubs, flowers, lawns, and house plants. By using our soil tea you are releasing countless microorganisms into your soil giving it new life. These tiny animals and fungi are now easily delivered to the roots. Once they arrive, each unique organism gets to work and creates a flourishing colony of microorganisms that will work together to restore your soil and feed your plants. This symbiotic relationship between your plants and these microorganisms, benefits both sides greatly. These organisms out compete diseases causing species in order to protect the plants. The plants benefit greatly from this protection and in turn reward these organisms with fresh sugars unattainable without the plant's unique ability to photosynthesize. 

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